Carly and Pete Du Preeze sail to Cape Town from Brazil on their catamaran Oryx . (Published Summer 2015) We cleared customs in Angra dos Reis, […]
Skirting the Southern Ocean
Gems of the British Virgin Islands
“Avoid the crowd. Do your own thinking independently. Be the chess player, not the chess piece”-Ralph Charell (Published Spring 2015) The British Virgin Islands have many […]
Saildrives or Straight Shafts?
Which is best for me? (Published Fall 2015) Many buyers who contact us these days develop some very strong personal preferences about a range of things: […]
Simply Green
Sailing dead downwind across the Atlantic from the Cape Verdes to St. Lucia in light air was the true test of the “green” energy systems on […]
Full Circle
Passage from Bonaire
Anchoring in the Caribbean
After 50,000 Miles
Switching to a catamaran was a difficult decision but they have never looked back. (Published Summer 2015) For a sailor who has sailed and loved […]
Sailing On Morello
Morello, a 40-foot Tony Grainger designed trimaran, makes one feel like a water spider skating across the surface of the sea, barely breaking the surface tension […]
Cat Dancing 101
The basics of maneuvering a catamaran (Published Spring 2016) Catamarans have become “a thing.” Once a staple of sailing charter vacations, cats today are […]
Best Seat in the House
A critical look at various steering positions on cruising catamarans, their advantages and disadvantages (Published Winter 2016) The cruising catamaran has come a long way from […]